Why not huh? Why the hell not?
The Black Dalia
The James Elroy novel.
Bad movie. Great dinner scene with Hilary Swank's crazy family. Really Raymond Chandler great. They even had Hillary Swank convincingly made up as a girl. But, the rest of the movie? Crap. Pure crap.
WWI airplane movie.
Awful. God-awful. The lead character's hair has highlights. The movie takes place in WWI. You do the math.
Hit man is poisoned. Has an hour to live.
Starts slow but then gets really good. Really, really good.
Walk on with no college experience makes the Philadelphia Eagles.
Junk. Weak story. They don't even try to be realistic. Mark Wahlberg's not tall enough to be a convincing college cheerleader much less an NFL player. They explore levels of sappiness not seen since Robbie Benson made your sister wet. But Dick Vermeil doesn't cry and nobody smokes in a Philly bar in 1976. Please.
Little Miss Sunshine
A family goes to a beauty pageant.
Talladega Nights
NASCAR with Will Ferrell.
Really funny.