What’s Rounds thinking with his attacks on Prieksat?
This is a bunch who won’t tell you who attended the Governor’s Hunt. They won’t let the Governor’s Press Secretary speak for the Governor. They (and their insurance salesman boss) smile a lot and say little. Not much more substance than the nice guy billboard that got Rounds elected in the first place.
But, when it comes to Rounds’ disdain for a federal game warden, a G-man for geese, Rounds and his number two just can’t shut up.
From a handicapping perspective my money’s on the G-man. Whatever his weakness in bedside manner, he seems to follow the law. It must be tough to fire or transfer a guy like that. You have to think Rounds has no sway at the White House or he’d have quietly cashed some chits there and gotten the guy moved. Instead he’s put himself in a loud messy attack on a law and order guy. Doesn’t seem like smart politics to me.
Hey, speaking of Rounds, how’s that Dunbar Mine coming? That mine deal should come through right after the big Dunbar casino / rail line project opens for business.