Won't the bi-partisans be happy!
Today Grumpy Old Senator Tim voted to end debate on the nomination of William H. Pryor, Jr., of Alabama, to be U.S. Circuit Judge. Huzzah!
Earlier today Tim voted "neigh" on the nomination of Janice R. Brown, of California, to be U.S. Circuit Judge. That's fine. He made a record that he was voting against Justice Brown because the Washington Post told him to. That's how I would expect him to vote and that's his privilege. The girl's soccer coaches and the ranters and haters at what pass for the lefty SD blogs are making their cases against Brown. Great. But don't confuse a vote against Brown's nomination, which is the method for Tim to exercise his obligation to advise and consent, with a vote against cloture which is Tim working in a very non bi-partisan fashion to obstruct the Senate from fulfilling its constitutionally mandated duties.
And, while we're on the topic of Grumpy Old Senator Tim's Important Work In The Senate, click here to read some recent Important Remarks by our Senior Senator. "The Vermillionaire"? Jesus, c'mon!