This is curious.
A Harrisburg girl's soccer coach (A guy so insecure about the quality of his blog and so hypocritical about his "liberal" beliefs he censors my comments.) has a virtually unreadable blog - "SD Watch", which contains a post about documents supposedly obtained by Tim Johnson relative to the standards used to judge Ellsworth and Dyess Air Force bases here:
The documents themselves are here:
The "One Pager", which summarizes the conclusions of the other documents, has a really cool, scary header - "DRAFT DELIBERATIVE DOCUMENT--FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY NOT RELEASABLE UNDER FOIA" Ooooh, just the thing to scare the bejeebers out of a girl's soccer coach! The soccer coach quotes Grumpy Old Senator Tim as saying: "It took rattling of a few cages to get this justification data released," Wow! Huh?
Here's the thing - The main document, which contains the conclusions from the other documents, has been sitting on Mt. Blogmore since May 14th. It's been available to Google users since May 13th. How can this be? How do I know this? Because I posted the document on Blogmore, that's how! Neat huh?
On Friday morning the 13th I was googling "Ellsworth" to see if there'd been a decision on the base. Finally this link popped up:
As you can see, that "story" (which appears to have been lifted straight from some government report), has virtually all the data Johnson claims required "rattling a few cages" to get - Grrrrrr!!
I posted that story on Mt. Blogmore on May 14th as part of the discussion on the "eggs in one basket" theory. Click here (comment #3):
How come it takes a US Senator twelve days of rattling cages to find information anyone else could have accessed through Google?