I just stumbled across a couple of blogs that suggest former Little Senator Tom isn't a lobbyist. Of course he's a lobbyist. He's every bit as much a lobbyist as Thune was.
By law they can't actually lobby for one year after they are done as legislators. They can't pick up the phone or go into a member's office and lobby.
So, for the first year, they help people develop strategy. They help people connect the dots ie. "You need Senator Leghorn on board to kill this bill that would treat you like the lying, thieving rascals you are. Your friend Mr. Wafflebottum is one of the Senator's dearest friends and most generous contributors. You need to have your friend Mr. Wafflebottum explain to Senator Leghorn why this is such a bad bill and why he needs to oppose it." That's what Bob Forehead did between his House stint and his Senate stint. That's what former Little Senator Tom will do.
Then, once the year is out, Little Lobbyist Tom can lobby just like all the other K Street dudes.
The only surprising thing about all of this is that Little Senator Tom said he wouldn't lobby last fall. Usually he's smarter than to close a door prematurely.